The following members of the Brewers of Pennsylvania (BOP) Board of Directors’ terms will expire February 2022.
Names that have an * next to their name have opted to run for re-election (two year term):
OPEN Seats: Member at Large
* Fred Maier, Susquehanna Brewing Co.
* Jason Lavery, Lavery Brewing Co.
* Matt Katase, The Brew Gentlemen
Meg Seastedt, North Country Brewing Co. (open seat, not running)
*Mick Nardelli, D.G. Sam Adams / Boston Beer Company
Action Item: If a member of the BOP is interested in running for a seat on the Board of Directors, please submit information via below link by: Monday, January 31, 2022, 5:00 PM EST. Please note, all candidates should be in leadership positions at represented brewery and 2022 Membership must be current.
- More Information: BOP Board of Directors Criteria HERE.
- Submit Information: Board Candidate Questionnaire HERE.
Please do not hesitate with any questions. Contact the BOP HERE.